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TK-2668 Stationed on Star Destroyer, death Star Task Force, ground troops:

A few reviews to follow...

Village Centre Cinemas: City of Lewiston Idaho, Population 35,000 to
38,000. Opening week end ROTS.

I rolled up and there were a few cars in the parking lot. Village Centre
Cinemas is the Lewiston Valley's newest and biggest cinema house. Got out and
some guy who was waiting for tickets told me they don't open for sales till
11:15 I said thanks and went to the door. After 30 seconds I flagged down the
morning shift manager and she came to the door. I told her "I'm your
stormtrooper" she told me to come in. I went to get my stuff and went in with two trips
to my truck. Everyone else had to wait outside heh heh heh. I said hi and
introduced myself. Was introduced to the key staff there and then
they pointed me to the party room for me to dress and I got busy.
Came out just as they were letting people in. First thing I did was report
to the manager, a Gal named Kyla (I think I got this wrong but it was
something like that.) and offered her my E-11 Resin for inspection. She looked it
over and was not sure why I wanted her to but I wanted her to be satisfied it was
a prop should anyone complain. With that I reported to the ticket taker and
we discussed the operation and the times of the movies.
Soon I reported to the door where they would file past. Right away people
wanted photos of their kids with the TK so we gave em what they wanted. Others
filed past and would smile when they saw the TK. Comments were mostly
"Sweet", "awesome" and the like. One gal commented half to her friend and half to me
"Your a freak" so that was one negative thing I heard but then they were going
to see another movie. One older teen said I was his hero. I guess for being
there in such a cool costume. Maybe it was sarcasm I am not sure.
Soon the people were done filing in and I reported to the other movie hall
but the door way was such I had no where to stand as the posted guard w/out
being in the way so I stood opposite the door way. By the end of that I had
decided that when number 6 hall was loading I'd simply stay with the usher taking
the tickets and be in full view of the public as if additional muscle for the
usher. So that was my routine until I had some down time.
While hanging out with the ushers and the place got all filled up with people moving into the movie hall a little girl no older then five ran up and gave me a big hug around my legs as she was too small to get any higher. I did not see her run up only felt something around my legs. I looked down and there she was for a second before running back to her parents. I lost her in the crowd and never saw her again or I'd have given her a pat on the head. Few hours after that I met a guy with a camera in hand who asked to take soem footage of me. I said sure. Turns out he is a film maker and asked about the legion and told me he was making a documentary on Star wars and the fans. I put him in touch with the garrison PR department and he also wants to set up an interview sometime in the near future with me as part of his segment covering the 501st contribution to the Star Wars world.

Sat. morning was the time a few people wanted me to sign things for them
so I would write my TK # and something like "Join the Dark Side." In the Future
it will be "Blasting Rebel Scum, TK-2668 Alpine Garrison."

Sunday's crowd seemed a little different then the one Sat. One movie hall,
number 8 on the 7:45 showing had a high percentage of subversives who did not
respect the Empire. I got jabbed, poked and one guy hit my chest plate hard
with a flick of the finger I assume. He walked by and out of my view. Came back
and I could not even see it but I heard it then saw something dart away. Not
cool and I was a little ticked. Then someone did that to my helmet and I said,
"Don't" in a firm voice. That scared the force outta him as he about jumped out
of his skin and I then snapped, "That was kinda rude." He disappeared really
fast. One guy came around and saw me then started feighning karate chops on me. When I moved into a defensive posture out of reflex it scared him too and he said he was sorry and had no idea someone was inside the armor.
After that I figured maybe it's my fault for being so still so made an
effort to move and let people know I was not a display piece. Even still people
thought I was a display piece that had a head that moved mechanically. If I said
something to them they would say to their friend, "Whoa it talks too," I had
to wave for them to get it. See? No one expect a real stormtrooper in this
area. Later a guy who poked my in the ribs to see if I was real apologized to me
for it. I told him it was no big deal and really he did not bother me at all
like the guys who were hitting my armor.
Oh ya, the ushers over heard two kids discussing stealing my blaster and
running with it. They were ready to grab em by the nape of the neck and throw
them out if they tried it I did not even know what was up till they went in to
see the move and the ushers told me about it. I told them I've heard that it
happens. I started to walk with my hand on the blaster. Later cause the belt
and blaster weight was dragging it down I was taking the weight off by holding
the blaster up with my hand and that served a double purpose. Keep the belt up
and security. The Ushers assured me I would have the full support of the
managers should any of their guests get out of line.
On one occasion when I created a small traffic jam in the hall I had to
get em moving with the trooper line "move along." It worked.

Some of the many questions were things like, where did you get that? How
much did it cost you lease that form LFL? Is it hot in there? Is that a real
gun? How much are they paying you to do this? (as if it's a horrible job to have
to work) And of course can we have a photo with you? One of the cinema staff,
Emily, kept asking her Co workers, two guys named Mike who was in the
costume, they had to keep telling her "It's no one you know, No he does not work

Best news of all is about 4 or 5 people were REALLY interested in getting
involved with costumes and the garrison. But since then I have not heard form
them and do not know if they contacted the garrison leadership.

During the down time I either took a restroom break or I'd go out front of
the venue entrance and walk back and forth across the door ways as the
Empire's roving guard. I did this to have something to do and mostly because walking
kept my feet from hurting so much because they were killing me after five
hours and I pulled two ten hour days at the venue so by the end I could hardly
stand it not having sat down the entire time.
While walking the guard line I was carrying my blaster in Trooper patrol
carry position.

Proper patrol carry position is as follows,

Unholster blaster and place in left or right hand. Bring the pistol grip
to your side and rest it below one of the ammo belt containers/hip level with
hand gripping the grip, finger off trigger and on the side of the trigger guard
extended unless you actually expect rebel scum to pop up. Keep muzzle
straight/horrizontal. Place other hand across your abdomen plate and grip the under
side or the folder.

This is one way to properly carry while conducting searches, patrols or as
a roving TK guard.
It looked totally cool and gave me something to do. Only thing that would
have made it cooler was two TK's crossing paths doing it. I guess this was part
of the show or my contribution to it. I would stop and talk with anyone who
came up to ask questions Etc. Or direct people to the proper entrance door or
give info about show times. When they were on their way I would resume. If heavy
traffic was moving in or out I'd stay out of the way of course.
One lady with family in tow tried to make an issue out of my patrol when
they walked up and right before they came into my muzzle's line of sight I
dropped the barrel into a downward hold to the left so my muzzle was not pointing
at anyone, this way I could still walk the line and not be pointing the
blaster at anyone. I maintained safe gun handling the whole time just out of habit
being an NRA member and having had training as a security guard licensed to
carry, plus most important of all common sense. Still a second after I dropped
the muzzle this lady says, "You know your not supposed to point guns at
people?" Roll of my eyes inside the helmet and I replied "I guess you did not notice
I dropped the muzzle before you came into the line of sight." She did not say
anything after that and I did not feel any need to go into my training so left
it at that. I thought she was kinda strange since it was a prop and since I
was not pointing it at anyone anyway. I do note in photos on the 501st Garrison
web sites blasters are pointing at many of the camera men. So I have no idea
what the general philosophy is on this issue. I sure would not point it at any
cops and would and did make sure to holster it whenever a cop passed at my
second event in Granville Idaho a week later.
Leaving this venue both Saturday and Sunday nights had the strange vibe of
feeling much like after playing a show in heavy metal bands as I did in the
80's and early 90's. You get out after being "somebody" and get on the road and
are back to being just nobody. Hungry after the show/trooping so stop off at
a fast food place and have a late dinner in the parking lot before the drive
home. It was kinda deja vu all over again. I told my a co worker, being a TK is
a lot like being a rock star without all the work. At least as a TK you are
always photogenic and all you have to do is stand around and just being there
you look cool. Being in a band you have to work at being cool. This must be why
some get addicted to it. I had a good time but there are also periods of
boredom too. Probably not as board as TK's get pulling duty on in remote outposts
of the Empire. Sunday as I was packing up to leave I could not find one of the boots I wore coming in. Black boots not part of the costume. I looked all over the party room and it was not there. I concluded no one stole is as no one steals just one boot. My eyes driffted to the sink with a door. I opend the door and there was my boot tucked inside. One of the Cinema's staff had a sense of humor and was toying with me. I found it really odd because you generally pull pranks like that on people you know and I did not know many people there that well at all. And the night shift even less. So Sunday night I said good by to the staff as they were cleaning up and asked the manager what went into the decision process to bring me in to troop. He said they were all up for brining me in if they could get me so it
seems it's not a hard sell at all. With that I parted ways being on a first
name basis with many of the staff.

My Second event:

Grangeville Idaho Population 2300. Second week end of ROTS release.

After working the venue in the big city I decided that the bigger city
kids getting a trooper was just not fair and I should offer to work a small town
theater. I called the Grangeville theater The Blue Fox and left a message
about trooping there and about how it went in Lewiston. I did not even expect a
call back but they did call. A father son team owns this old theater in the town
that is a historical land mark being built back in the early 30's so it's one
of those rare places you don't see a lot anymore.
This was a real short notice operation. I only confirmed it about 6 hours
before show time. The day before I made a spot repair to my shin armor with
the extra Velcro. So I could pull off another event.
So we rolled up at 5 PM and this time I had a full time spotter. We met
Chris who Co owns it with his Dad. He was in his PJ's in the lobby as he had
been getting a nap. He led us to the balcony where me and my "squire" suited up.
Came down and Chris was like wow that looks great. So being the week end draw
was expected to be low due to lots of people out camping and graduation
parties, and because the lobby/consession area was small I posted myself outside on
the side walk, that is also situated on the city's main drag. The intent was
to try to pull in a few extra ticket sales since a low turn out was expected.
Soon they came to buy tickets and more of the same with taking photos and
people amazed at the costume. One guy asked Chris the owner "How did you pull
this one off?" Chris just said he had connections. The police drove by and I
saluted their squad cars and they would return the salute with a laugh or big
grin. I got the feeling they would radio the other patrol cars to say there was
a stormtrooper on mainstreet as soon other cop cars or SUV's would drive by.
Whenever they did I would holster the blaster ASAP just in case.
It was still day light about 6 PM when they started the movie. At this
point people were coming up just for photos and not to enter the theater. That
was fine by all and one couple said they might just go to the later showing
since there was a TK there but I don't know of my being there actually pulled any
more people in that would not have been there anyway? It might have, I'd like to think it did anyway.
When things got slow I'd patrol the short space of sidewalk in-between
taking questions from the towns little ones getting out of the restaurants next
door and across the street. One little girl kept asking me if the gun was real
and if I was a real robot. I had to tell her a few times I was not a robot
just a stormtrooper. She did not get it till I showed her my skin that can be
seen on the side of my batting glove. Then she got it. She also wanted to know
if I could take the helmet off and I said I could not while on duty. At one
point a SUV with some family in it stopped to gwak at me. Right in the road on
main street so before they blocked traffic I had to wave them on least I cause
problems for the local police to have to deal with. At least they did respond
when I waved them on.
At this event I started to experience the TK groupies phenomena. Two gals
came up and one says "Hi Sexy. Can we take a photo with you?" I was thinking,
sexy?? Look who's talking, lord have mercey, but she could not have been
over 18 and was dressed very provocatively for a small town girl. Later when
walking across the street she would blow me kisses. Two other gals did this as
they drove by. I would just wave. It seems like the hot girls like to really get their arms around you for the photos like the stormtrooper is their boyfriend or something. Don't know why that is just note the lookers are like that.
One family getting out of the restaurant down the way a few dozen yards
with lots of kids stopped to look. I would wave at the kids and they would wave
back. I noticed an adult around my age waving so I waved at her too. She came
over and said "I just have to give you a big kiss" and lip locked my teeth
grill area with both hands on the helmet's ears. Now that was funny and then she
was on her way.
Just around nightfall before the last 9 PM showing of the night a family
came out of the restaurant and I caused a small boy in his dad's arms to cry at
the sight of me. He must have been two and a half or no older then three
years old. They wanted to take the boy to me to get a closer look but when he
cried Dad backed off. I waved at him to break the ice and seem like a nice trooper
but that scared him even more. Probably because in his young mind this
monster noticed him enough to wave and since he was noticed by the "monster", it
might "get him." I was about to take off the helmet to show him I am human but
they were moving away by that time so I did not bother. Around the same time
maybe before or after two teens wanted a photo. One asked to hold the blaster and
I did not know what he was doing with it but before the photo he commented
that "You really can't see &%#! can you"? I said no not really. This was after I
accepted the blaster back when they wanted to look at it. They could tell by
the way I took the blaster back with two hands like a blind person feeling
around that visibility is not so good. So for the photo I think he He took
advantage of this and was probably doing something obscene with the blaster while we
posed for the photo at this TK's expense. I only got this idea after they
were done and said thanks. Note to self here, don't let anyone hold the blaster
when taking photos. They may have gotten the best of this trooper.
So that was about all that went down during this short 4 hour event. Later
the Owner came up to me and started asking about me being at the Drive in he
also owns. Told me they would run ROTS in the drive in after a month or so and
that the drive in crowd, 80% of them anyway never goes to the walk in
theater. Since he told me to bring a car full of friends with pop corn dogs and all
the pop we can drink it was an offer I could not refuse so he has my number for
that one. I hope to get my spotter into armor and into the 501st's ranks by
then. One TK is just not enough. Of course if anyone wants to travel out here
for that I can use the company! Trooping can be fun but also hard work.

Product Review:

For communications and cooling I bought and installed the pre wired
Skullworxs unit. See site, http://www.skullworx.com. Owned and operated by a TK in
the 501st legion. Installation was easy and that is important for a non
handyman like me. All I had to do was drill two additional holes into my helmet by
the holes already there for the aerators, connect the wires and screw on the
wire end caps. Velcro it into place and set the mic book to a good location and
tape it down.
This skullworx unit also has two fans that I velcroed into the aerator
wells. You have the option of gluing them onto the aerator bolts inside the
helmet but I had too much interference from some of the skullworx unit or my face I
cannot recall exactly. So I put them into the aerator wells where they fit no
problem. The Fans will keep the helmet from fogging up but they are under
powered to really keep you cool. They will circulate out the carbon dioxide you
breath out and this is a plus too. My first week end I installed two 9 volt
batteries and one double A. The Double A runs the voice amp and the 9 volts run
the fans. Batteries are supposed to last an entire 24 hour period but I used
cheap 9 volts and they drained down after about 3 hours. The Voice amp seems
like it will go for days on just a cheap battery. But a fresh one seems to clear
up any distortion you get with low power. The voice amp is fitted inside the
helmet and you adjust it as loud as you can with out getting feed back and don
the helmet. You can turn the fans on and off w/out taking it off but I found I
needed to remove my hand armor to do this and it was not easy but could be
done. Adjusting the voice amp cannot be done without removing the helmet unless
I am missing something.
The Sound comes out of two small speakers inside the aerators and some
people have a hard time understanding you. I turned down the volume and was told
the audibility is much better so louder is not always better. When the fans
are on it's harder to understand people who talk to you and I wonder if there is
anything legion members add to improve hearing. It's hard enough to hear
peopole even with the fans off. Hearing small children who do not speak well or
loud to begin with is almost impossible.
My second event I used Durecell batteries and they seemed to work for a
longer period. I could not test the 24 hour working time as the event was short
and I did not always need the fans on but I think good batteries will make a
big difference. Skullworxs does NOT have static burst and I was un happy about
this and considering getting something with Static burst until someone pointed
out to me that by ROTJ all the troopers did not have it anymore. So I think I
can live with this now since its still screen accurate. If Skullworxs ever
works a board that can be added to the unit I will buy it at that time. The
Skullwroxs unit is made from new parts and some are cannibalized form other
systems so the look in some areas is "rough" but fine for people making costumes
themselves as that is what it's all about. If costuming were to go mainstream
some people might think the rough edges are a major detraction from the product.
All in all I am happy with the unit and would buy it again. My Under Armor
drop face baleclava helps in putting the helmet on and taking it off with the
electronics in the bucket that might otherwise catch on hair and ears Etc.

End of transmission,


Age: 36
Joined: 16 Apr 2005
Posts: 206
Location: Kamiah, ID

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 2:51 am Post subject: Review: Sunset Auto Vue Drive in Event, Grangeville Idaho

TK-2668 Stationed on Star Destroyer, death Star Task Force, ground troops:

Sunset Auto Vue Drive In event. Grangeville Idaho. July 2 and July 3rd in support of ROTS

I knew this was an up coming event I'd be trooping but got little advance notice. Sat the 2nd I got an E-mail from the venue owner telling me it was on and I was wanted if I could make it. Lucky I had no plans so later I got Chris the owner on the phone and even though there was a rodeo in town that night I decided I'd go anyway because I had nothing better to do. At first I thought I might only pull one night but decided on two. I finally found the venue after following the directions given me and pulled up to the gate at 7:15 PM. No one was there so I backtracked and returned and the projectionist was there. I told him who I was and he was expecting me so soon Chris pulled up with the key and let us in.
I got dressed in the concession building and was better prepared for Spartan conditions with the addition of my huge plastic tub I bought on advice of some troopers to store my TK kit in. When I was almost done and ready to put the bucket on two employee teen boys walked in and gasped! The site of me startled them as they were not told I would be there. They figured out who I was about the time I figured out they were employees. Soon I was all geared up and ready to go. The Projectionist was really impressed.....
I walked out and Chris and I discussed what I would do. I am learning that what you can do is dictated by the venue environment and since this place had a gated entrance with a ticket booth that looked like a military style guard house it was obvious that I would run an Imperial check point there, inspect the vehicles coming in and ask the occupants questions about missing droids and rebel contraband while peering snoopingly and menacingly into windows and backs of trucks Etc. Much to their delight I add.
Chris the owner wanted to get me into the local parade Grangeville was having Sunday Morning but I was un sure about it. It's a long walk and I'd rather be invited then have to show up and hope I can sign up. As we were discussing it my hand armor fell off (My new modification at work)
and I decided I did not know my costume enough to attempt it. I guess I still got some tinkering to do with the hand armor. (Since then I have fixed this by adding a strip of Velcro to the back wrists underside and using the straps that came with it there in stead of the center. So they are double secured now. ) And I used industrial Velcro too. With better notice it might have been the thing to do but I'd have to hang out in a town 30 miles away all day and into the night to make the second part of the Drive in troop unless I wanted to drive home. And gas prices suck right now.

Before cars started rolling in I stood out on the street to attract maximum attention. One van pulled up and the occupant wanted to take my photo so I waited for them to take it since the road was not a busy one. Minutes later a car of teens drove by, speeding, and one looked out and yelled at me calling me a "faggot." Pffft I thought, as if someone can tell sexual orintation in this armor? Or that I somehow look homosexual in the armor? I think not. Whatever! He's luckey my blaster was not loaded. On went the night....

As cars came in I retreated to the front gate and got into character. When a single car would come up I'd let it roll to the cash takers and head counters, the two teen employees and just poke around the car or mini van/truck. When two cars would pull in I'd go to work on the one in back or the third one back as long as I did not hold up entry into the venue I had free reign with the guests. At first I was asking if there were any hidden droids in the vehicle then I started to add rebel contraband. After a few cars I thought I should not ask about hidden droids because I did not want anyone to get the idea I was looking for people trying to get in free Etc. That was not my job that was the job of the two teens ahead of me so I changed it to asking about any droids in general and rebel contraband. One truck pulled up and I asked, "Any droids or rebel contraband in your vehicle tonight?" The passenger just started to crack up (He loved it, once he realized he had stumbled into a stormtrooper check point he was probably thinking how remote the chances of this experience were, so low as to never have crossed his mind and yet here he was) and I then said "I take that as a nooooooo"? He replied in the affirmative and I waved them on, like most, with the crowd pleasing "move along, move along" routine. Some people would get a "Ok everything checks out, move along," as I would wave em forward. Of course they were going to move Forward anyway The only thing I forgot to ask drivers was "Are you Driving under the influence of Jawa juice tonight Sir"? Or "Any open containers of Jawa Juice in this transport"? Darn, have to remember that one for next time.....
At one point a teen gal wanted me to sign something so I suggested they go ahead and park and come find me, that I'd be happy to. So she did. Just after that a father and his two boys came up with their camera and I took a few photos with the kids. I asked Dad if he'd mail me the photos and if they wanted I'd submit them to the Garrison's web master and get the kids on the site in the event photo section. No mail from him yet and I hope he does mail it as I don't have any of me and movie going fans to post from my own camera.
Soon it got dark and the movie started and only a few stragglers were driving in. When that died down I hung out in the projection room and watched a bit of the movie and hung out in the concession building. By this time I decided to switch the all metal sterling E-ll blaster to my less heavy resin one. A girl in the concession area asked to see the blaster. When I handed it over she said "Don't it do anything"? I said nope just looks cool. She commented how disappointed she was. I went and got the Sterling just for her but it was too late. First impressions had been made. When the movie was near over I decided to walk to the exit gate and wave as they left only....... no one told me it was a double feature hahaha.
On the way down it was really dark and I removed my helmet to negotiate the terrain and once I got there found there was really no where to stand and that it seemed a little dangerous. I was there so I was going to do what I came for but decided I'd not repeat it the next night. Only about ten cars left and then I was there for nothing so went back up. With this it was time to get un dressed so I did that outta the back of my truck in view of maybe one car but it was dark and I only got out the armor and of course kept the Dive skin on till I got home. The Draw for the night was 47 cars, each with two people per car mostly but some with three people and a few with 4 or 5 so I am guessing around 125 to 225 people the first night. The second night would see more cars and more people per car....

Auto Vue, second night:

Same deal, I got there a few minutes too early but this time there were two mini vans loaded with two separate families there to make sure they got in before it sold out. They asked me if I worked there and I was evasive because they had kids in the car and I did not want to spoil the fun. Just told em I did not work there but would be working the venue. Soon Chris and the projectionist pulled up and let everyone in. I started to get dressed in the same place but this time I notice my drop box had fallen off the ab plate. I thought it was just the nylon strap but the tab the strap was secured to had snapped I half and I had to come up with a quick fix. Somehow it has broken in transit? I saw that it would be a simple matter to tape the tab back in place and onto the inside of the drop box. No one would see it and it would work perfect till I could fix it proper. The only other breakdown was my blaster form the night before. One of the wire tubes on the mag well came lose. Sanded and super glued it back on and it was ready for the next evening. Back to the drop box, by the time I saw the drop box problem I was in my boots and all leg armor so had to walk out to my truck to get the tape.
That is when the kids noticed me from 55 yards away and came to investigate a few minutes later. Soon 4 kids were in the concession building while I was trying to get dressed flooding me with questions, bouncing off the walls, poking the armor outta curiosity and asking over and over where the helmet was. I kept saying don't worry it's here I got it in a bag. They wanted to look so I had to remind them not to mess with it and all that but that I'd be out side in a few minutes and they could gaze at the costume all they wanted then and I'd even let them check out my blaster. Told em you guys aren't even supposed to be seeing my face matter of factly. Soon they got board and, went out side and waited. Then I got out there and they surrounded me and I talked to them and let them hold the new Sterling E-11 converted real deal blaster. Everyone always comments how heavy it is. I never thought it was too heavy till the next morning when I woke up with a sore arm. It felt like I had been arm wrestling all night at an Indian Pow Wow! It was then I decided I'd get a Hasbro blaster and modify it. Still happy to have the Sterling though. It was the center piece as the cars rolled in. Of course everyone's eye is going to be drawn to the weapon and having the real deal adds to the realism. I'll be using the Sterling when it fits the bill.
I told the kids I'd be around and to enjoy the movie and went to the entrance gate again for "check point security duty" at about 8:30 PM. Show time was after the sun went down.
The rate of cars was a little faster paced with more coming in and each loaded with more occupants on average. Again people loved the act and I got the usual comments like "dude your the coolest" and "Dude that thing rules where did you get it"? Oh that is awesome and such. Soon as a car would make the corner into the entrance faces would Light up. Some girls came up to talk to the teen employees and wanted to know who I was. One gal said she was not leaving until I took the helmet off and made a half hearted attempt to pull it off but I just leaned backwards. I gave her a garrison flyer and told her she could look up my Tk operating number but that the bucket stays on while on duty. A teen boy came up and wanted me to sign something so I made him a deal. Since I did not have a spotter/camera man I asked him to take my camera and snap a few photos and I'd trade him for a tk signature. (Blasting Rebel Scum, TK-2668 Alpine Garrison. www.501st.com)
He left happy I got some needed photos and I told the two employees I still don't know why people want me to sign things? They said because your a stormtrooper, I replied ya but it's not like I played in the movie or anything. Glad the legion has the interest nonetheless.....
The night wore on with more check point drama until it got dark and the stragglers were coming in. A couple came up while I was adjusting the costume at the back of my truck while my helmet was off and asked if they could get some photos and I said sure soon as I get everything back on. They wanted some pics to show the guy's co workers at work. So I handed him my blaster and put my hands up. He had me as a Prisoner and it had to have looked pretty funny, then one more with us side by side and me with the blaster. Later I asked one mini van passenger to take my photo from inside the car. Great shot but the photo is not usable do to the orange pauldron I should not have worn but put it on for 20 minutes. Seeing this photo I really wished I had the employees take photos of me inspecting the cars Etc. That would have been the coolest shots. Later this truck pulls in and the driver makes a feigned swerve at me then pulls in straight. I did not know how to take it so I decided I'd not bother asking him how long he had the droid in the back of the flat bed. (It was a square portable welding unit, color black, it even looks like a droid.) too bad it might have been fun. Before I left the projectionist from the other theater venue in town Chris also owns pulled up for some photos. He heard about my appearance at the Blue Fox a month before but since he was working the Drive In could not get any photos so he was making up for that tonight. He and his wife got photos with me and then the projectionists working the drive in that night stepped in for a few with the other projectionist's camera.
Well, it was time to get some free munchies promised by the owner so I went to the concession stand and got small pop corn, nachos and a med Drink. Should have gotten a large but I forgot I was almost done there. Anyway darn wind made the nachos mostly cold by the time I got back to my truck near the entrance gate. Some kids that just pulled in and parked, the driver wanted to know how long I was gonna have the costume. He was assuming I was renting it and he wanted to rent it when I was done. I told him I owned it Etc. He said man that would rule to mess with people in that. He and everyone in the car checked out the blaster commenting how heavy it was and how cool it was. The driver's Date or Girlfriend asked me "is that suit made of plastic"? I said no it's made of "Plasteel" and her boyfriend snapped "Ya it's made outta plasteel" in a tone suggesting she was dumb for asking the question. That was funny to see him defend my armor that way as obviously he knew it was just plastic too. I walked away and then thought how I missed an opportunity to recruit as the driver looked 18 to 20 years old and I told myself I would hand him a garrison flyer before I left but did not remember till I was down the road a mile. Rats.

Since I knew it was a double feature this time I paid a final visit to the concession building staff and got a few more photos in there before heading to my truck to dress down. Right then two really late stragglers pulled up so I manned the check point one last time. After they had gone in a truck pulled into the area outside the drive in property and had me in their head lights. I figured they were curious and trying to figure out if they could believe their eyes. Then they pulled into the main gate. The Teen employees suspected rebel infiltration and cutting into Uncle George's profit margins so they questioned the driver who was with a date. The ploy as explained to me, is drop off some friends in the dark right on the Drive in's perimeter and then pay for who is left in the car/truck Etc. Then they sneak in and join the car or truck and their friends already inside. So while I was getting undressed one employee was keeping an eye out on the fence line but was dark. I also saw no one go in but they might have went down the fence line a few dozen yards too and we'd never know. Anyway before I left I told them it's too bad we don't have a larger group and that had we had 6 TK's, a couple officers and whatever else we could have patrolled the venue's perimeter line with two TK's as a deterrent and an Imperial officer as eyes/ears and someone to direct the perimeter security efforts. That would've been cool. So as I was leaving they asked if I could use my headlights on the area. I told em I'd drive up there and flood the area with my brights. Nothing was seen. As I backed out I swept the entire area again in places I missed the first time. No one was there and I was finally off heading home to get some sleep as I was seeing War of the World's the next day in Lewiston Idaho. And I tell you on the opening week end of WOTW's it was not even near sold out like ROTS was for two and a half solid weeks. Go Star Wars!!!

TK-2668 Stationed on Star Destroyer, death Star Task Force, ground troops:

Sunset Auto Vue Drive In event. Grangeville Idaho. Sept. 24th in support of ROTS

For this event, my second time at the Drive in Venue I got almost a week advance notice. I decided to make some flyers and post around town giving a heads up on the showing and me being there in armor. It didn't do much good. This event was slow, and only 16 cars made it into the venue.
Well, this one starts off like the last one. I showed up and got in right away. Got dressed and with all the new mods I was glad the projectionist was there and offered to help. I got dressed in plenty of time considering no one was there for the admittance time of 6 PM. I wanted the ground forces look this time so I wore my pauldron full time.
I headed for the main road to hang a while until the first cars would make their way in. Only a few car passengers gave me a second thought. One gal drove by and I'd swear she did not see the TK. And I was thinking how can anyone not see this? Hahaha.
Soon the first cars rolled in and I got back to the main gate and the admittance worker showed up. I recognized him from the last time but he was not working there at the time. We'd been talking shop on music and guitars last I saw him and now he was working there. So I asked him if he could snap a few photos and try to get me as I talked to the passengers coming in and we were set.

I just had a bad feeling about the turn out and I was right. Few cars and few chances to play with the guests. But here are the short highlights....

One guy pulls in just to drop off a gal who is joining others. He says "Hey nice hazmat suit." And not even in character I say gee thanks. Hazmat, ok sure it looks like one but aint. Enough harassment..... A truck pulls in with kids. Now keep in mind I was just not in the mood for serious TK character so I kinda adopted the Tongue n' cheek attitude of the TK's in the DVD troops. I ask the passenger is there is any rebel contraband in the transport and driver and passenger both say no. About this time their child in the back seat snaps a photo of me. Then Passenger's husband in driver seat says, " No we don't have any but, do you know where we can get some?" said with a huge grin. I put on my stern voice and said, "No I DO NOT,' slightly raising my voice in self righteousness and then included "And you sir better lay off the Jawa juice tonight" as I gave him a firm finger waggling. The car erupted in laugher. They drove in after paying.
Another call rolled up, a mom with two kids and she was asking me where I got the cool costume. I just told her empire issue. She just did not look the type to join the legion however I realized after she drove in she might have joined and I should have given her some info when she asked about the costume. But my gut feeling is she just wanted to know about where I got it. When people ask me this question if I tell them the vendor I got it from they won't recognize it anyway and I think it would sound real cheap to say Ebay so I avoid the topic and go with "empire issue." A few more cars and maybe two more snap shots of me by kids but no one wanted a photo with me this time. Not enough people I suppose. In-between cars and trucks me and the gate worker talked shop on music. It was hard to stay in character with this going on because he was mentally tugging me out of Star wars world and back into the world of a musician and I didn't know what to think about the effects other then that I did not want to be rude and cute off the conversation either. I just kinda plugged along.
One car pulled up and everyone in the car was real interested in the costume except the child in a car seat who started to cry. I waved and that did not help. I took off the helmet and the scared look on his face went away as he realized it was not a monster but a person. He calmed down. I smiled and put the helmet back on. Before he could grasp how cool it was and what it was the parent drove in. That about sums it all up. In talking to gate man, a 16 year old named Avery I learned the last two gate workers left because of the school football season and one was fired for letting people in free. Well, Not on my watch he did not. I don't think anyone took Lucas for a ride the last time I was there.
The projectionists came up to hang out and talk to me. We talked a little Star Wars. Got some more photos and soon he went back. Soon it was down right cold out and I headed into the concession stand to warm up but it was slow going. I hung out in the projection room a bit and made my way back outta boredom. Got back up and Avery's friends were there. Met them, they left and the gate was closed. It was only 9:30 PM and I had wanted to stay until closing but the low draw and the fact that I was getting really cold and had things to do at home I decided to be a "Sunshine TK" and get get outta there before any real rebels showed up and got un dressed. It was going to take about a half hour anyway in the low light conditions and off the back of my truck. I was pretty darn cold and decided I better get cold gear under armor should I do another event in fall or winter. Still no calls from the venues on the DVD release and I still plan on trooping for Toys for tots so I will need to be warmer then I was at the drive in.
I said good bye to Avery but neglected to say good bye to the projectionist. He came out right as I was leaving and watched me leave. Almost as if he was sad to see me go :P
Well that's life in service of the empire. You win some and lose some. The last showing of ROTS was just not a big event. I suppose knowing this in advance I'd have still gone anyway.
I did get some additional photos and two of me inspecting the trucks coming in and that is cool. They should be posted up on Alpine in some weeks and even though they are from two separate events they can all go in the same cyber pile.

Photos of this event and others I have done can be seen at www.alpinegarrison.com Go to the gallery section and see ROTS Premiere Idaho Panhandle.
It was short stories like this by troopers (mine are far more detailed then what I read) that got me interested enough in the 501st to actually get armor and join up. At events I attend I try to involve the public in photos and not only dress like a stromtrooper, I try to impersonate one as best I can.
Feel free to Fwd this to anyone and post on web forums like Yahoo groups Etc. Anyone reading this who thinks they might want to follow in my foot steps see www.501st.com or www.alpinegarrison.com and look into it more. I am still a new trooper and still learning much every event.

End of Transmission,

"I find your lack of faith disturbing".

Halloween Costume Contest:

TK2668 competes in his first ever costume contest Oct. 29th. (NOTE: This was not a 501st event.)

Saturday 7pm it was time to get into the armor and make the half mile walk to the Local bar, The Hub, for my first costume contest. Got into the armor ok but the biceps straps kept coming off the Velcro but I got it to stay put for the time being so I went into the garage to scare the stray cat we got handing around and he did not even look twice at my costume. So much for scaring the cat. I got started on my walk and it was dark out, very dark. 25 to 30 yards from my front door and down the street a way I saw a car coming up the hill. I fast down my helmet so as not to be recognized by any neighbors and step to the side of the road so as to not be in the way of the car. Well I stepped too far over and slid down some rocks from the new gravel road they put in. Almost ruined my night but I kept calm and just got back onto the road. Then the car stops and the passengers are all looking at me so I remove my helmet cause I can't see a darn thing anyway and start babbling about how there is a costume contest at the bar. I hear a "Mike is that you"? from the driver. I say "Massey??? What are you doing here"? Turns out it was a former co worker and well the secret was out now. Soon the whole town will know who the Stormtrooper is. Oh what the hay. Well Donney Massey was going to the party up the street and I told them I was heading for The HUB as they were giving out 50 dollar top prize. Massey assured me I'd be winning it. I think The Donk (Massey's nick name) really liked the costume. He must have been a fan of Star wars.
We parted ways and I kept going. When I got to the School I could tell people were looking at me and taking interest and a few times at cross walks cars would stop as if to let me go. Since I was waiting this was not normal and since I did not want to walk in front of cars with my view restricted I'd wave the cars on. They were gawking but responded to my waves. Funny, as a TK we just have authority and people listen somehow hahaha.

I got to mainstreet and started walking to the center of town. Only a few cars here and there. Some family friends called out to me from their house. I saw them but did not know where I was till I took off the helmet. Then I chatted with them for a few minutes. They said their daughter wanted to see the costume so I went to the Door. Then I was on my way. Getting closer to the Venue I passed a laundry matt and the Indians inside washing their clothes were checking me out in the window. My batteries for the helmet fans were now going dead so I knew I'd have to pay a visit to the Grocery Store in Full Armor weather that was a good idea or not. So I headed for the ATM to get some money. ON the way there I ran into an Indian man who was interested in the costume. I told him why I was in the armor and since we were both going to the bank I told him to go first as I might take a while fidgeting with my card so he did. We parted ways and I went for the parking lot across the street. As I approached people were starting to stare and stop loading groceries to gawk at me. I paid em no mind and went for the door. Right before going in some people coming out were doing double takes at me. I walked in like any other time I'd been there and went right for the power cells and picked up two Energizer 9 volts. Took me a little while I had to pick up the batteries and look them over by bringing them up to my eye level and soon I went for the fast check out at the costumer service counter. I had to wait for two people before me while some small children gazed at me. I did not want any kids to start crying so I kept to myself. I heard one guy say to his wife or the sale gal, "just like in the movies you never hear them talk." I was not going to argue :) When it was my turn the lady at the register asked me "Are you going to tell us who you are"? I just shake my head no and put the batteries on the counter. She rang em up I gave her the cash and she put the change in my envelope I held out. Then I walked right outta there as a co worker I know from work was walking out too. Co worker is one of the Nec Perce Tribal members and I just got a feeling they are allied with the ewoks but I can't prove that! Anyway Dennis had no clue as to who I was and was smiling while looking at the costume. I stop look at him and point, "better lay off the jawa juice there pal," and walk away. I thought that might tip him off but I think the voice coming through the voice amp sounds a bit different and I saw no change in his expression. I am sure he found out later since "The Donk" knew it was going to be out no matter what.
Off to the Bar I go! First a quick stop at the post office lobby a few doors down. I remove the bucket to put in the new batteries. With my Balaclava on it won't be easy for anyone to see who I am through the window should they walk by and take notice. One gal came in and paid me no mind. Then that Indian Guy I met before the ATM came in and told me he tracked me down and had a request. He wanted me to walk into the bar and he wanted me to walk to the back and out the front door. And he wanted me to do that because he wanted to watch everyone's faces as I walked through. I told him I was heading there anyway so I hit him up to put my biceps straps back into place but it proved impossible so I left one hang. While he was fidgeting around with the strap another man came in and was looking at the costume and said two times "that is SOME costume there" he was amazed. I had taped the biceps straps down when leaving the house but even still they would not hold. (Since that night I made some knew ones with materials I have on hand heh heh heh. Problem solved now!)
Well So I walked in and went to the back while taking a look at the places lay out. And EVERY eye was on me just as I imagined it would be. When I got to the back some guy on the side yells, "Luke! I am your father".... I just point at him to say hi and check out the bass amp the band has set up. Then I head for the front and the Indian man got his kicks and left. I saw him a few nights later. Turns out he is one of the Security guards at the Casino. The Casino that held a costume contest but disallows any costumes that cover the face. I plan a letter of protest soon! I wore my German WWI Infantry uniform and of course that won't win and I saw a guy is half the costume I have with the TK win 500 bucks :( Back to the topic....

I went into the other room next to the bar, a area where kids can be and play arcade games. No one was in there so I used that room to check my costume in the mirror they had on one of the game then started to hang in the bar. Then I got carded. She asked me back into the game room and I pulled out my ID and my bank card for a second form of ID. With this she, the bar owner, did not need me to remove the helmet. After that I kinda settled to the front of the bar, it was near the door and I could sit on one of the bar stools and keep an eye on troubler makers and keep myself outta trouble and not have to worry about my ID and bank card in my Thermal. Well soon the fun began and people in costumes started poring in. I'd go in and out of the bar for something to do and took a walk or two waiting for the judging around midnight. Another co worker came out while I was standing outside the door way and he had a bit of jawa juice in his system and he said about 6 times "That is just (Pause while looking it head to toe) immaculate" and went into detail about his star wars comic collection. I had not known Glen, my co worker was a fan but I guess he was. He knew who I was too because I had warned him I'd be showing up and taking first prize and how I'd be completely covered from head to toe. So he knew. But largely no one knew who I was and everyone wanted to know who I was.... for some reason.
Round about now some other star wars fan came out to talk to me. I found he was a hard core fan from the next town over so I seized upon him and did some recruiting, my opening line was "So how would you like to wear one of these in public like I do" and then told him about the 501st and we took a walk to the post office to have a place to talk and I had him write down the web site addresses for the 501st, Alpine and my TK web address. Told him about the costs Etc and I think he will be joining although he warned it would be a while before he could save up the money, I told him I'd be here when he was ready. And he wants to be a TK too!
Inside the bar some guys were complimenting the costume and telling me your gonna win man there is no way you won't win. By this time the Stormtrooper groupies were feeling the effects of their jawa juice and came over to take advantage of the TK. First thing to happen is a gal walks in and slaps my butt plate. I can live with that and it was over before I had time to think about it. Then two gals come over and I pay em no mind as I am hanging by the door and well they must be on the way out. So with my back turned to them I feel a hand find the gap in the butt plate and this cute gal who looks about 26 is pinching my butt!! I am like OMG!!! Aside form that she reminded me of one of my ex girl friends who used to do that. Three pinches and her friend says "We decided you have a nice @#!." Whoa!!! I sit down to put a stop to that. Not that I minded personally, I am single so no harm done but at the same time I don't want to be made the laughing stock of the bar as we were in view of anyone looking our way. No I don't want the stormtrooper to be something to laugh at so having sat down to stop it she asked me if she can sit in my lap! I start to mumble something about not being sure if the armor would take that and bla bla bla stutter stutter sputter and she sits in my lap anyway. I get a little excited cause I am waiting for something to go snap and break but nothing happens so I settle down. She didn't stay long anyway. I think she was dressed as a flapper from the Roaring 20's. Later she passed me by and went for me buns again! But it got worse as 20 minutes later a gal and her friends at a table up the way call me over. Stupid me I go headlong into the trap. So I get there and she asked me "how do you pee in that" I tell her matter of factly I don't and that is why I am not having anything to drink too. Now mind you this gal is cacked! She then reaches into my cod piece and starts trying to feel up my goods!! Man I had no idea the gaps could be so easy to exploit so I push her hand away with a polite laugh. She gets around that go's for it again. Another block effort and she starts to pull on my cod piece. I try to tell her to please stop as if my snap comes un done I won't be able to get it back into place myself and well I was worried about being ready for the judging. She stops and asks me "Wait! Do we know each other"? I assure her we do not thinking the sexual assault is now over and when she hears we don't know each other go'es for the goods a final time before I get outta there. As I write this is seems like I had a lot of time to think about what to do but the above all takes place in a couple of minutes with me not even believing what was happening.

A few of The Donk's friends come over to tell me what a cool costume it is and that they know who I am! By this time I've made some friends with other costumed guests and head across the street to the other bar. But it's way too smokey. more of a bar then a club and I don't stay long. Before ya know it all costumed guests are called to the front for judging. We all parade from the back of the bar, out the door, back into the door of the game room and back to the end of the bar. Momentary confusion reigns as the judges are rrounded up and the winners are called in the categories. Well I did not think I won anything cause it seems like it was over so I got outta the way for the winners to be photographed and then they called as first Prize winner "The Jedi" over the PA system. Jedi?? What? Jedi Scum here? I saw no Jedi or I'd have taken them down to the detention block. Well, someone corrected the MC and he called up the stormtrooper. Some guys hearing this before I did started to nudge me up to the floor and I was like wow cool! I get handed an envelope with 50 bucks and my mission is complete Buhahahahaha!!!!
I head for the game room to check the costume before heading out front to hang. The Star wars fan is there and we start talking. His dad is the bass player in the band. So I ask him how much a margarita costs and he checks. I tell em if we can get two for ten or less I'd buy him one so we could and I did. Since the secret is out I go in and remove my helmet. I guess half the bar was waiting for this because they saw my drink and surmised what was coming. When I removed the helmet about 50% of the people in the bar applaud! hahaha. I was like Ooooooook....... And had me victory drink. Then I got more visitors wanting to see if they knew me and I showed some guys my helmet and they checked it out. Told em to check out the inside as that was the cool part. One of the winners came over, she was a belly dancer and says "I know you!" I look at her and say "I know you too!!" I had seen her all night but did not realize I knew her from work. She used to work at the empire's timber mining operations too. If you check out the photo on my site (First Photo page) of the costume party she is the gal to my left in the green belly dancer costume. What a cutie ;) Another lady looked me in the eyes and said you have never been in here before have you. I said "Nope, I don't get out much." Later I got an offer of a ride home from a co worker so took em up on that and we walked to the back of the bar to head into the game room. Another gal wants to pull my helmet off so I put my hand on the helmet, she stops and I take it off for her. She looks into my eyes as well and makes the same comments about me never being in there. I say "I told ya, you don't know me." I told her that hours before when she asked who I was.
Well Holy Diver!! I was the star of the Masquerade..... As Dio said in the song :)

With that I managed to get into a full size ford truck and only had to remove the helmet to do it. Good thing the ride was short. Over all, what a fun night that was.


WWI, militaria collecting, bass guitar, metal music, target shooting and reenacting. And of course Star Wars.

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