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The 501st started out as a clone legion, fighting on Geonosis. They fought on many worlds and were even split up to fight on many worlds at one time due to their elite training. First they fought on the Banking Clan world of Mygeeto with Ki Adi Mundi as their general. Other clones would relieve the 501st and would be his assassins. Then the 501st would go to Felucia where they would overwhelm a surrounded garrison with the help of Jedi Aalya Secura whom some of the 501st would reluctantly gun down. They felt a bond with her due to the nature of the early fighting on that planet.
Meanwhile, other units were forced to join the Space Battle above Coruscant while others stay on Cato Neimodia to mop up. After Coruscant, the army lead by Obi wan Kenobi returned to Coruscant and were divided up between Yoda and Kenobi. Half went with Yoda to Kashyykk while the others went with Obi-wan to Utapau.
Some of the 501st remained on Coruscant and would follow Darth Vader to attack the Jedi Temple.
After the Clone Wars ended, the Imperial military was revamped with up-dated armor, weapons and equipment. Non-clone officers took the place of the Clone Commanders and Jedi and new clone templates were used to make the army less susceptible to outside manipulation. But the 501st remained the only unit to exclusively use clones from Jango Fett.
Not long after the end of the war though, an escaped Separatist Geonisian arrived on Mustafar and restarted the droid factories and shipyards. The 501st which had been reconsolidated and put under the personal command of Darth Vader, fought the droids and destroyed the facility.
Then, an escaped Jedi went to Kamino and with the aid of the Kamonians began creating a clone army that would fight the Empire. Darth Vader, with the help of a young bounty hunter by the name of Boba Fett fought the clones and destroyed the cloning facilities.
But still, peace did not come. Palpatine's home planet of Naboo revolted under the leadership of their queen and were harboring criminal Jedi. Only a small group of the 501st were available to deal with this threat but they squashed the revolt and killed the queen, ending the royal line on Naboo.
Finally, for a few years, peace existed until the Rebel Alliance sprung out on the Outer Rim. While the regular units were sent to deal with them, the 501st were given the task of guarding a new superweapon. Many of the prisoners from the rebel alliance were brought to the Death Star for execution but suddenly many of them broke free and nearly got away, but hard fighting in the detention cell ended the threat of the plans for the station getting away....the prison break had succeeded though as the plans were transmitted to a cloaked ship which then went to the small post on Polis Massa where again the plans were nearly recaptured but they were beamed aboard another ship, the Tantive IV.
Vader immediately ordered his Star Destroyer to board the ship with the 501st fighting on board the ship and capturing Princess Leia.
Soon after, much of the 501st were killed when the Death Star was destroyed. The survivors linked up with an Imperial Fleet sent to drive out the rebels from Yavin 4.
Given the nature of the depleted ranks of the 501st they were to see only 2 more battles, Hoth and Endor where the 501st would cease to exist.
The 501st, after the fall of the Republic was called Vader's Fist.

TK-2668 is now working on EPIII Clone armor.